UMTJ Consultancy Services Sdn. Bhd.

Project Consultation

Project Feasibility Study of Reefing Offshore Structure In-Situ and at a New Reef Site

This project aims to outline criteria for RTR in Malaysia marine environment covering development of a spatial reefing viability map to identify area with high potential of in-situ reefing. Next, it is to propose and evaluate suitability in short-term and long-term of the rigs to reefs approach and framework for environmental management plan, pollution management plan, ecosystem services of the artificial reefs as well as the social impact assessment.

Financial Projection Analysis Study to Rationalize the Separation of Compensation and Exemption (BBDSB) Kuantan Port Authority.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate and analyze BBDSB financial projections for LPKtn.

Financial Projection Analysis Study for the Purpose of Rationalizing the Separation of Compensation and Exemption (BBDSB) for the Kemaman Port Authority.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate and analyze financial projections to rationalize the Separation of Renumeration and Exemption for LPKMn (BBDSB).

Study Profiling the Political Literacy of Public Higher Education Students

This study aims to build a pollical literacy profile of IPTA students in Malaysia. The profile includes political awareness, knowledge of domestic political reality, their political hopes and desires, and their attitudes towards schools of thought and political authority.